Indeed, by that point American military aid was propping up the war efforts of every nation fighting the Axis powers. Hitler assumed that the Japanese would obligingly remain at war with China and the United States until he could gobble up his erstwhile allies.
Yet Imperial Japan clearly understood that its partnership with Nazi Germany was temporary, especially given the virulent racism on which Nazism rested. And history is replete with reversals of alliance in the face of new circumstances.
Thus, long before Nazi Germany could have realized its ultimate aim of world conquest, the rest of the world would have surely set aside their differences in the face of this obvious, massive, and implacable threat. The result would have given the United States footholds in south and east Asia at the very least, while it is unlikely that Germany would ever have acquired the ability to project armies across the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, much less the Pacific.
The best it could have done would have been to create a fleet of transatlantic bombers like the notional Amerikabomber which, incidentally, seems to have been designed with the idea of a one-way trip culminating not in a traditional bombing run but rather in crashing into New York City skyscrapers.
The B began development in , at a time when it seemed as if Hitler might indeed overrun all of Europe. The first prototype flew in and the huge six engine bomber became operational two years later. If the British and Canadians were able to muster an assault on mainland Europe it would most likely have come via the Italian peninsula or the Balkans, routes more favoured by Churchill.
It was the Americans who pushed for Normandy. Even if the reduced Allied forces managed to claim some territories back from the retreating Germans, the majority of Europe would turn red under Soviet control. The map of Europe would look vastly different than it does today. Perhaps American isolationism would then come to an end with the country conceding that the policy only benefitted the rise of Communism. Without the war with Japan, no atomic bombs would have been developed and dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
No nuclear arms race would have been set in motion; does the nuclear age one that we very much live in today even come into existence?
The ramifications that arise from this scenario certainly propose the theory that a world without Pearl Harbor is a world vastly different to our one now. What if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor? Most Recent. Lesser known facts about The Battle of the Somme. A history of the poppy: Why we wear them as a symbol of remembrance and other facts.
How the Nazis lost WW2: Four major turning points. The Tuskegee airmen: America's first black aviators. You might be interested in. Would the Allies have been able to prevail without U. During the months preceding the attack on Pearl Harbor, the war in Europe had essentially boiled down to a contest between the Axis Powers of Germany and Italy, and against them, the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Six months before Pearl Harbor, Germany had launched an invasion of the Soviet Union, its erstwhile ally.
By December 5, two days before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, German armies had advanced to within 5 miles of Moscow. Hitler had decided to postpone a cross-channel invasion of Britain itself until his armies were able to defeat the Soviet Union, but Germany was still fighting Britain through aerial and missile bombing, and was engaged against Britain on the seas, as well as elsewhere in the British Empire, as in North Africa.
In South Asia, Britain was also defending its colonies and commonwealth against Japan. On the face of it, especially in the long term and even with Lend-Lease aid from the United States, it is difficult to see how Britain could have continued the war without the entry of the United States into the conflict on its side. Presumably, Winston Churchill would have had to sue for peace, or endure a German invasion of the British Isles once the Nazis had consolidated their military strength in Europe.
That did not happen, of course. After Churchill heard that America had been attacked at Pearl Harbor, he rushed to a secure telephone to call Franklin Roosevelt. His Memoirs of the Second World War relate the following:.
In two or three minutes Mr. Roosevelt came through. President, what's this about Japan? We are all in the same boat now. No American will think it wrong of me if I proclaim that to have the United States at our side was to me the greatest joy.