When was draya michele born

Ainy Jaffri. Diane Guerrero. Han Chae-ah. Annie Parisse. Draya Michele fans also viewed:. Jacqueline Bisset. Joan Blondell. Greer Garson. Neda Arneric. Joan Benham. Lan Ke. Draya Michele is a famous American reality star, who was born on January 23 , As a person born on this date, Draya Michele is listed in our database as the 8th most popular celebrity for the day January 23 and the 66th most popular for the year Draya Michele is the th most popular Aquarius.

Aside from information specific to Draya Michele's birthday, Draya Michele is the th most famous American and ranks 3rd in famous people born in Reading, Pennsylvania, U. In general, Draya Michele ranks as the th most popular famous person , and the 39th most popular reality star of all time.

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Here in this post, we try to cover her personal details and some other states so make sure you check it till the end. Real Name. Draya Michele. Actress, fashion designer, media personality. It may possible she has some more nicknames and if you know make sure you mention them in the comment box. Many of you may want to know more about Draya Michele so here we also cover other personal details. In this section, you will get Draya Michele age, birthday, religion, hometown, food habits, and birthplace details.

Age Reading, Pennsylvania, United States. Date Of Birth. Food Habits. Not Available. United States. Draya Michele age is 35 years as of in and his birthplace is Reading, Pennsylvania, United States. Currently, She is living in the Reading, Pennsylvania, United States and working as Actress, fashion designer, media personality.

By nationality, She is United States and currently, her food habit is non-vegetarian. She belongs to the Christian community and she is proud of this. She also worships all the God and Goddess, and also celebrates all the festivals. Her hobby is acting. She loves doing acting in movies and shows. Draya Michele started her schooling life at a private school in Reading, Pennsylvania, United States and completed her primary education there.

After that, he did her high school at the same school. Education Qualification. But we have no information about her Graduation and Post-Graduation. We are trying to collect that information and will update it when available. Draya Michele height is 6 feet 0 inches tall and she looks tall when standing with her friends. Though she is a little tall as compared to her friends still she manages to maintain her weight. Her weight is around 68KG and she always exercises to maintain that.

She loves to do exercises regularly and also tells others to do that.


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