For example, to install version 6. Version 3. Like ImageMagick, to do an imagick php install we can simply run the apt install command. If you require a previous version of php-imagick, you can list the version available from the Ubuntu repositories using the apt list command.
This would be useful in the event that the latest patch introduces regressions, which is fairly uncommon. Re: I need my imagemagick application path image-magick is in the repos.
Attached Images Screenshot. November 16th, 8. Re: I need my imagemagick application path Found it. November 16th, 9. Re: I need my imagemagick application path thanks paul !!! Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del. The time now is PM. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search.
So which is the path of imagemagick now :? I need it to link to it in my mediawiki extension. Any help is upvoted fast! MediaWiki's own page states that you need to specify paths to specific binaries, i. Ubuntu Community Ask! Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Or download ImageMagick. Next configure and compile ImageMagick. Note the pkg-config script is required so that ImageMagick can find certain optional delegate libraries on your system.
To configure, type:. If ImageMagick configured and compiled without complaint, you are ready to install it on your system. Administrator privileges are required to install. To install, type.