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Our Teacher Edition on Flowers for Algernon can help. Themes All Themes. Unlike Nemur, Dr. A friendly graduate student who is working on his thesis and who assists Strauss and Nemur in conducting the experiment. Burt oversees the testing of both Charlie and Algernon. He introduces Charlie to some of the students and faculty at Beekman College.
The white mouse that is the first successful test subject for the experimental operation Charlie later undergoes. The operation makes Algernon three times as intelligent as a normal mouse and enables him to solve complex puzzles. Fay is an attractive, free-spirited, and sexually liberal artist whose favorite pastimes are drinking and dancing. She embarks on a brief affair with Charlie, knowing nothing about his background.
Rose finally had another child, Norma, on whom she focused all of her energy. Rose routinely punished Charlie for any sign of sexual interest, as she could not accept the notion of her intellectually disabled son having any form of sexuality. Read an in-depth analysis of Rose Gordon.
During their childhood, Norma resented Charlie for getting what she perceived as special treatment and was cruel to him.
When she reencounters Charlie as an adult, however, she is glad to see him and regrets her youthful spite. How did you find out about it. I said I dont remembir. Prof Nemur said but why did you want to lern to reed and spell in the frist place.
I tolld him because all my life I wantid to be smart and not dumb and my mom always tolld me to try and lern just like Miss Kinnian tells me but its very hard to be smart and even when I lern something in Miss Kinnians class at the school I ferget alot. Dr Strauss rote some things on a peice of paper and prof Nemur talkd to me very sereus. He said you know Charlie we are not shure how this experamint will werk on pepul because we onley tried it up to now on animils. I said thats what Miss Kinnian tolld me but I dont even care if it herts or anything because Im strong and I will werk hard.
I want to get smart if they will let me. They said they got to get permissen from my familie but my uncle Herman who use to take care of me is ded and I dont rimember about my familie. I dint see my mother or father or my littel sister Norma for a long long long time.
Mabye their ded to. Strauss askd me where they use to live. I think in brooklin. He sed they will see if mabye they can find them. I hope I dont have to rite to much of these progris riports because it takes along time and I get to sleep very late and Im tired at werk in the morning.
Gimpy hollered at me because I droppd a tray full of rolles I was carrying over to the oven. They got derty and he had to wipe them off before he put them in to bake. Gimpy hollers at me all the time when I do something rong, but he reely likes me because hes my frend. Boy if I get smart wont he be serprised.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Books Best Sellers. Award Winners. New Releases. Coming Soon. Flowers for Algernon By: Daniel Keyes. He agrees with Nemur now that he has become selfish and ignorant.
Charlie was about to fall asleep when the answer to the problem came to him. The Algernon-Gordon Effect, which says that artificially induced intelligence deteriorates at a rate of time direction proportional to the quantity of the increase. He becomes absent minded and has headaches. Algernon dies and dissection proves Charlie's hypothesis is correct.
He buries him in the backyard and puts flowers on his grave. He decides to go see his mother, but Rose does not remember much these days and she went in and out of a trance. Rose is proud that her boy went to college and became a professional and he gives her a copy of his scientific work to show people. Norma was very happy to see him and wants him to stay, but he cannot get up the nerve to tell her his intelligence is only temporary.
Rose snaps when they hug and threatens him with the knife like she did 20 years ago. Norma understands why they made him leave now: Rose accused him of having sexual thoughts for his sister.
Charlie has become edgy and irritable. He is hostile towards Strauss in a session, and he hallucinates. He decides not to have any more sessions, and he does not want to see them anymore. He does the maze puzzle slower and he tries the Rorschach again, but cannot remember what he needs to say in order to be 'normal'. He keeps changing his answers and becomes frustrated until he decides not to do any more tests at all. He does not remember books he read a few months ago and a policeman has to take him home because he does not remember where he lives.
Alice comes to check on him and they have sex because Charlie is able to realize that she was not Rose or Norma and that it is alright. She promises that she will leave when he tells her to and she wont follow him to Warren.
Charlie is at her level again, but his memory worsens, demonstrating signs of senility. Last things he learned are the first forgotten. He becomes easily irritable with Alice, and his motor activity is impaired. He notices that Alice is pitying and humoring him.
He is always looking at life through a window, and the child in him is reclaiming his mind. Charlie has lost all his foreign languages and does not understand the paper he wrote a few weeks earlier. He has also lost his smile and respectfulness. Charlie makes Alice leave because she is too much like his mother and does not want her pitying him. Charlie thinks that if he starts learning new things that he will stand still rather than go all the way back in a regression.
The landlady Mrs. Mooney checks in on him and brings him food periodically paid for by Alice. Writing takes longer and Charlie has to look up words in the dictionary when he forgets how to spell them.
He loses his check and lucky rabbits foot. He needs to get a job to pay the rent so Alice wont pay it for him. He goes back to the bakery and explains what happened to Mr. Donner and he gives him his job back. Meyer Klaus had taken Charlie's position while he was gone, and he picks on Charlie to the point where he cries and pees his pants. Joe defends him and Frank and Gimpy want to get him fired, but Charlie says that it is ok because Klaus apologized.
He has his friends back and he is happy. Then, he accidently goes to adult school and Ms. Kinnian leaves crying. He realizes that he is the cause of her sadness and decides to go the Warren home. Now Charlie sees the smart Charlie in the window.