All bronies die and I am the only survivor. I am the last brony. I swear that my fallen brothers and sisters shall not be forgotten and that this crisis will happen never again. I shall spread the history and teachings of my people. Everyone will know of love and tolerance. I wear a fedora.
I don my Dr. Whooves t-shirt. I stop shaving my neck. It would be my duty to travel the world and try to convert as many people as I can into the fandom. We will rise again. OP's theme:. If not because I'm the one exception or I'm not Brony enough, then I would be upset because loads of innocent people just died, obviously! More personally, I'm personally hit because this is probably the first fandom I've been in that's treated me with full decency and I feel at home in the KYM Pony General, not to mention that a lot of my e-friends elsewhere liked the show, few of them seem to massively enjoy it anymore but they'd probably be gone too… At least my IRL best friends are all safe, none of them like the show, two of them tend to mock it whenever it comes up and the other is indifferent and apathetic to it.
Then there would be missing Adventure Time fans as there were some bronies in the Adventure Time fan. I'd be dead. But I go knowing the fact that I will have accomplished more in my near years than you will in your entire lifetime. Downvoting a guy for posting a silly "what if" concept in a forum section all about posting silly stuff? Really, guys? I mean, it's not like he said "all fans of this show should die". Yea, he's not doing anything wrong.
But I think some just have a knee-jerk downvote reaction to any topic that involves bronies. Bronies are the euphoric Neckbeards that write erotic fanfictions about MLP and actually want to cum over rainbow dash. You people are fucking crazy. I would emerge from the ash of what was left of the brony race and find the man who managed to wipe out the majestic but sometimes very fucking creepy bronies with a single shitpost and I'll exact my revenge on him and his men one by one, as the Crow.
I think I've been doing this brony thing all wrong; I'm a patchy-bearded theist that writes trollbait fanfictions and actually want to cum all over Cadance. Also, OP is a chickun. Not OVER. Get it right man, geez! So yea, we are loosing good people. But really if there isn't any brony, there wouldn't be anyone to insult as horsefucker! What a terrible world! I need to insult people as horsefucker. I can't live with it!!! For want of a pony, the Newell was lost. For want of a Newell, the game was lost.
For want of a game, the company was lost. For want of a company, the industry was lost. For want of an industry, the image board was lost. For want of an image board, the internet was lost. For want of the internet, the world was lost. The internet would lose a big chunk of its users.
Prepare for downvotes. They will downvote you till you get buried fuckdeep under downvotes. That depends. If the cartoon is loved enough to give it praise, then there is happiness.
But with every praise comes someone being encouraged to do shitty things because of a cartoon. It's similar to how an advancement in technology can be a good idea if applied well, but if done badly can turn done wrong.
Except it's a cartoon. Bronies are everywhere. I ain't one but I see em everywhere. Pretty much every MMO game has a few thousands. Pretty much unlikely that would happen. If you were expecting more, I'd hate to let you down but it only looks like it's gonna calm down from here.
If you actually took OPs posts serious at any point in this thread, I'd hate to say it I actually don't but you lost. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. No thanks, take me back to the meme zone! Early in his last year of high school, Gardiner was going through a rough patch. A fan of routine, he was now applying to university, approaching the moment when he would graduate and everything would change.
So on a dull Thursday night, Gardiner turned to something completely different. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic — the full title of the current series — was happy and colourful and upbeat.
He watched an episode, and then another, and then a couple more. It became a new routine. Because the program aired in the U. What started as a largely online community quickly broke through into the real world as fans organized conventions and began making and selling artwork and toys based on the show. The largest brony convention, BronyCon, exploded from just guests in June to more than 10, in Baltimore in the summer of Eight years after Friendship Is Magic premiered on Oct.
The living room of his East Vancouver apartment features a glass display case filled with My Little Pony plushies and plastic figurines. He can still spend several hours a week watching old episodes, or letting them play in the background. For 7 amazing years, this fandom has come together to help us host an amazing event. Next year will be our last BronyCon. Join us for a 4-day party, August , in Baltimore!
But the brony fandom is now shrinking almost as fast as it grew and conventions, including BronyCon, are shutting down. Eight years in, the novelty seems to have worn off. He feels more stable. He used to be able to name every episode of every season, but not anymore. A lot of bronies tell versions of the same story. They started watching to make fun of it, and then they kept watching. And kept watching. At the centre of this phenomenon is 4chan, the murky online imageboard that thrives on anonymity.
So the bronies went elsewhere, creating their own internet forums and online communities. Afion, a Vancouver brony who spoke to the National Post on the condition it refer to him by the name of his My Little Pony character many bronies create their own original characters, which become the identities by which they know each other online , was one of those early 4chan converts.
Then he found himself liking the writing and the characters. Our Photography Department is ready to share their hard work and all of the wonderful photos they have taken this year. You can view all of them here and reminisce about the fun weekend.
Informal surveys suggest that at the peak of the fandom in , bronies were at least 80 per cent male and 75 per cent single, mostly in their teens and 20s and living with their parents, and overwhelmingly white and straight. Some bronies say the community also attracted a large number of people with disabilities, especially autism. Many, like Gardiner, say the show makes them feel happy and comforted.
Bronies often identify with one character, especially from among the six main ponies, all female, with distinct personalities and foibles: Fluttershy is timid, Rarity is a drama queen, and so on. Most bronies really just like the show. Still, if it was the show that attracted young adult fans, it was the community that kept them.
We'll be sharing photos from BronyCon5 throughout the next few weeks right here in Instagram! Gardiner can remember a time when the main My Little Pony discussion page on internet forum reddit was gaining thousands of subscribers each week.
They watch it and then they want to go discuss with all the other fans. But online communities offer more than that. For Trapa, facing the shame of feeling that a Disney movie had changed his life, the internet offered a lifeline. On the forums today, the angst is clear. Still, things are already changing. In the food court at Metrotown, an enormous shopping mall in suburban Burnaby, Afion and a dozen other bronies cluster together on a few couches, eating and chatting on a Saturday afternoon.
Several are wearing My Little Pony T-shirts. Some carry plushies of their favourite characters. They seem largely immune to the looks of passers-by. He rocked back and forth nervously as he spoke. He asked that the Post not use his last name out of privacy concerns.
Adrian is a relative newcomer to the brony fandom — he only began watching the show in , after his father died. There was an episode about grieving that helped, he said. In the early days, the brony community existed mostly online, but with the advent of conventions, internet bonds turned into real-life friendships. Between conventions, groups of bronies often gather at local meet-ups like this one. Now, it feels like his last chance.
Aric, whom the Post is also referring to by his first name because of privacy concerns, credits the show with getting him some more friends and making him a little less shy. Many older bronies have their own stories about how the show and the community changed their lives. She was introduced to the show by her boyfriend at the time, who got her to help organize the BronyCAN.
Two years later, she was chairing the convention. Today, Hughes works as operations manager for a tech company, a startup whose CEO is also a brony. She and her boyfriend live in a small house in New Westminster. She recently finished her diploma, and things are busy. It can be expensive to be a brony.
Travelling to and from conventions alone can cost hundreds of dollars, but many devoted bronies have also amassed large collections of merchandise, including plushies, artwork, figurines and sometimes full pony outfits. He and his friends all have high-end plushies.